Patriarchal Blessing of Roselia Jocosia Haight Spilsbury
Sister Rozilia J.H. Spilsbury, in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon your head. And in the authority of the Holy Priesthood seal a father’s blessing upon you. In as much as you have obeyed the Gospel and been forward in assisting in the work of the Lord and been willing to receive council your sins are forgiven and your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life no more to be blotted out. You have a right and a claim upon God according to the covenants and promises made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob for you are of the seed of Jacob you shall have a inheritance in Zion and you will be greatly blessed in your diligence and faith and perseverance in raising your children in the fear of the Lord, if your faith fail not you shall be greatly blessed and come forth in the resurrection of the just. And you shall go and come learn wisdom you shall have power to bless your family and your name shall be handed down in honorable remembrance unto the latest generation And you shall go down to your grave as a shock of corn fully ripe. Your inheritance and blessings shall be in common with your husband. be steadfast in the truth and these blessings will not fail even so Amen.
December 30, 1904
A Patriarchal Blessing by George Spilsbury, Patriarch, on the head of Rosilia J. H. Spilsbury Born October 22, 1854 in Cedar City, Iron Co Utah.
(L.D.S. Church Historian’s Office, Patriarchal blessings, Volume 263, Page 7)
Patriarchal Blessing of Roselia Jocosia Haight Spilsbury
Sister Roselia J. Haight Spilsbury I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon you a blessing Thou art of the blood of Israel and in as much as you have received the gospel you are entitled to the blessings thereof and inasmuch as you have entered into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage and have not sherked the responsibility of motherhood but have brought forth children to the honor and glory of God. And you shall have pleasure in your family and in as much as you have been called upon in a responsible position in the ward in which you live. Seek the Lord in humble prayer that he will direct you by His Holy Spirit so that the spirit of your calling may rest upon you, so that you may be able to do much good in incouraging those whom you associate with and are under your jourisdiction Your guardian angel has watched over you for good and will assist you in the discharge of your duties and if you continue faithful you shall come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and your name shall be handed down in honorable remembrance in future generations, and you shall have pleasure in your family, joy and satisfaction in your work which you have been called to do. And also the young and rising generation of this place. And the blessings of Abraham shall rest upon you. Be true to the children of Zion and the labor which has been assigned you in the ward. These blessings I seal upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
August 3, 1913
A Patriarchal Blessing given by George Spilsbury on the head of Roselia J. Haight daughter of Isaac C. and Eliza Ann Price Haight. born Oct 22nd, 1854 at Cedar City, Utah
(L.D.S. Church Historian’s Office Patriarchal Blessings, vol. 325, page 153)
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