Patriarchal Blessing of Isaac Chauncy Haight
Brother Haight, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and by virtue of the Priesthood and the “Holy Calling” by which I have been set apart I lay my hands on thy head to bless thee with a patriarchal or father’s blessing and I say unto thee that thou shalt be blest, for the spirit of the Most High burns in me and my heart swells with blessings on thy head. Thou art of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Joseph a descendant of Ephraim and have a right to the blessings and privileges that pertain to the Holy Priesthood, as also the blessings of the earth, which thy Father in Heaven hath ordained for thy good. Thou art a Father in Israel and thy posterity shall become numerous on the earth. Thou shalt not want for a son to act for thee or thy progenitors in the principles of redemption. Thou shalt have houses and land, and the precious fruits of the earth. Thy granaries shall be filled, thou shalt enjoy of the precious treasures of the earth, that thou mayest have wherewith to assist in the advancement of the Kingdom of thy Father on the earth, that thou mayest nourish the poor and the needy. Thy name shalt be perpetuated to the latest generation of Man on the earth. Thy days shall be many upon the earth, yea thou mayest live to behold the winding up scene of this ungodly generation. Thou shalt behold the redemption of Zion, the return of the Saints, the building up of the New Jerusalem (which shall be called Zion) the completion of the Temple, upon which the cloud shall rest and the glory of the Lord shall come into it. Thou shalt receive thine inheritance in Zion with the called and chosen. thou shalt enjoy the fullness of the Holy Priesthood, and officiate in the ordinances of the house of the Lord, in behalf of thy progenitors. Thou shalt be an instrument in the hands of the Lord thy God in bringing many of thy kindred to a knowledge of the truth. Thou shalt yet go forth among the nations of the Earth to teach them the principles of light and truth. The Holy Angels shall be with thee and minister unto thee, and in their hands shall bear thee up. Thou shalt be delivered from thine enemies; thou shalt have power over the Prince of Darkness, and all who uphold his works. Thou shalt have power over the elements, the winds and waters shall obey thy voice. Great men and Kings of the earth shall be astonished at thy testimony, and shall acknowledge thee a man of God, because of the power of the Most High which shall manifest itself in thee. Thou shalt return to Zion, bearing thy sheaves with thee. Thou shalt receive a crown of Glory, a Kingdom, Dominion, powers and Eternal lives and thou shalt be numbered with the hundred and fourty and four thousand, who stand as Saviors on Mount Zion, therefore let thy heart be filled with joy, be thou faithful, for in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I seal these blessings on thy head. Even so. Amen and Amen.
Given in Cedar City 28th Dec. 1853.
Patriarchal Blessing of Elisha H. Greaves, upon the head of Isaac Chauncy Haight son of Caleb and Keturah Haight, born 27th May 1813 in Windham, Green County, New York. John M. Mcfarlane Clerk.
(L.D.S. Church Historian’s Office, Patriarchal Blessings, Volume 35, page 60)
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