Frankie Estella Spilsbury Patriarchal Blessing
Provo, Utah
13 November, 1906
A blessing pronounced by Patriarch Chas. D. Evans upon the head of Frankie Estella Spilsbury, daughter of George Moroni Spilsbury and Roselia Jocosia Haight, born in Toquerville, Washington County, Utah, February 17, 1884.
Sister Frankie by virtue of my office as a patriarch I lay my hand upon thy head and pronounce and seal upon thee a blessing as the Lord directs. Thou art a royal descendant of Ephraim in whom the blessing of the covenant for time and eternity belong. I bless thee with the gift of eternal wisdom that thy pathway may shine brighter and that thou mayst be led in thy pilgrimage through this world as it shall please the Lord. Thou hast an intelligent mind capable of much enlargement in this world. Thy mind will grow in knowledge which will greatly enlarge thy soul and increase thy usefulness that thou mayst be a blessing unto many. I bless thee that thou mayst be prepared for thy earthly work as a mother in Israel that the blessing of the royal seed my come upon thee, that thy generations may never leave the earth. Thy name is written in the Book of Life in the celestial world angels will bear thee up and minister unto thee when thou knowst not. Thou shalt lay a strong foundation for a kingdom in the flesh and thou shalt prosper in the land and have an inheritance in it which shall be sealed to thee on earth. Thy mind shall expand in the sciences and knowledge shall instill upon thee as the dews of heaven upon the earth. Thy understanding and they perception of truth will assist thee in testing error and the spirit of the Lord will lead thee. No enemy shall prevail against thee nor against thy family who will be established never to be thrown down. Thy sons shall inherit desolate cities left empty by earthquake and the devouring fire and shall rebuild and plant and inhabit them. They shall spread forth on the right and on the left to inherit the land. I bless thee that by thy faith thou mayst live to see Israel triumph and to behold her redemption and that thou mayst see the Holy Temple reared in Jackson Co. Mo. and the tribes of the north come forth to build it. The Lamanites be restored and the glory of the Lord revealed. Thy dead shall be redeemed and every blessing of the covenant rest upon thee. Thy food and raiment will never fail and I seal thee up to come forth in the first resurrection as a queen and princess in Israel in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
(L. D. S. Church Historian’s office, Patriarchal Blessing, Vol. 83, page 208)
Frankie Estella Spilsbury Patriarchal Blessing
A Patriarchal blessing given upon the head of Frankie Estella Spilsbury, daughter of George Moroni Spilsbury and Roselia Jocosia Haight, born at Toquerville, February 17, 1884, by George Spilsbury.
Sister Frankie Estella in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I lay my hands upon your head and seal upon you a father’s blessing. You are of the lineage of Jacob, through the loins of Levi and you have a claim upon God according to the covenants and promises made to the fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Nevertheless your blessings and your inheritance will be in the inheritance of your husband, that all things may be had in common with him. The labor that you have performed with the young and rising generation has been accepted of the Lord. And the Lord has a work for you to perform inasmuch as you are humble and obedient to the whisperings of the holy spirit of the Lord. You shall be blessed to perform a good work amongst the young and rising generation. God will bless you abundantly and you shall receive a blessing in the House of the Lord, and become a wife and mother in the holy order of marriage. Your name shall be held in honorable remembrance in your posterity. You shall come forth in the resurrection of the just, and you shall have an inheritance in Zion. You shall be blessed with the spirit of the Lord to direct you in all matters of importance. Go forth and labor faithfully to establish the work of the Lord. Inasmuch as you have been born in the new and everlasting covenant go forth and seek to establish in the hearts of the young, faith and obedience to the Lord. Be steadfast in the truth and I seal these blessings upon your head. Evenso, Amen.
(L.D.S. Church Historian’s Office, Patriarchal Blessings, Vol. 263, Page 197)
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