(A witness of the Book of Mormon)
Mildred Harris Bradley's Great Great Uncle
It was in Clarkston, Utah in 1875. Early in the morning, a thought came to my mind that I would go and see how Brother Harris was. It was only three blocks from my home. I heard he was not feeling well and people came from other towns to see Brother Harris and hear his testimony on the Book of Mormon. But when I arrived, there were two men present. Brother Harris lay on his bed leaning on his elbow. I said, "How are you, Brother Harris?" He answered slowly, "Pretty well."
"We came to hear your testimony on the Book of Mormon" I said to him. "Yes", he said in a loud voice, as he sat up in bed. "I wish that I could speak loud enough that the whole world could hear my testimony. Brother, stand over so I can see you;" and then he stretched out his hand and said,
"Brother, I believe there is an angel here to hear what I shall tell you, and you shall never forget what I shall say. The Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and myself went into a little grove to obtain a promise that we should behold it with our own eyes. That we could testify of it to the world. We prayed two or three times but met with no success, and feeling my presence being the cause of our not obtaining what we asked for, I at length went into the woods by myself to pray, where upon the angel immediately appeared and stood before Oliver and David and showed them the plates.
Upon my long absence, the Prophet came in search of me and in my desperation, I asked him to kneel down with me and pray for me that I may also see the plates, and we did so and immediately the angel stood before me and said, "Look," and when I glanced at him I fell; but I stood on my feet and saw the angel turn the golden leaves over, and I said, "It is enough, my Lord and my God!" Then I heard the voice of God say, "the book is true, and translated correctly."
Brother Harris then turned himself as if he had no more to say and we made ready to go. But he spoke again and said,
"I will tell you a wonderful thing that happened after Joseph had found the plates. Three of us took some tools to go to the hill and hunt for some more boxes, or gold or something, and indeed we found a stone box; we got quite excited about it and dug quite carefully around it, and we were ready to take it up but behold, by some unseen power, it slipped back into the hill. We stood there and looked at it and one of us took a crow bar and tried to drive it though the lid to hold it, but it glanced and broke one corner off the box. Sometime that box will be found and you will see the corner off and you will know I have told the truth again brother, as sure as you are standing here and see me. Just so sure did I see the angel with the golden plates, in his hand and he showed them to me. I have promised that I will bear witness of this truth both here and hereafter."
His lips trembled and tears came into my eyes. I should like to have asked a question but I failed to do so, but I refreshed myself and shook hands and thanked him and left.
When I think of the day I stood before Martin Harris and saw him stretch forth his hand and raise his voice and bear his testimony, the feeling that thrilled my whole being I can never forget, nor can I express the joy that filled my soul. This is a true statement.
Ole A. Jensen (The other two brethren present were John Godfrey and James Hup.)